“Saving lives and empowering people affected by HIV/AIDS and related challenges,” is TPAN’s stated mission. 

How can we be true to that mission unless we apply the principles of diversity, equity and inclusion to our clients, our colleagues, our stakeholders, and to all whom we encounter?
TPAN is committed to Ending the Epidemic. We believe this can only be accomplished through diversity, equity and inclusion. We must lead by example—as individuals and as an organization.
Diversity can be described as the variety of people in the room. Inclusion seeks out all who might be missing or not adequately represented in the room; it hears all voices and incorporates them for the greater good. Equity ensures equal impartiality,  opportunity, and justice for all. 
TPAN serves a diverse community. We believe that diversity is a strength. But diversity is only the beginning. We must work toward the inclusion of all—in our ranks, our procedures, our mission, and the people we serve. Inclusion hears all voices and incorporates them into the decision-making. Achieving equity is an enduring and evolving commitment that finds expression in our organizational culture, values, and practices that are grounded in the inclusion of all and equity for all.
This goal is not an achievement so much as it is a continuous process that strives toward the broadest possible representation and equality for all. The work is ongoing and iterative; we recognize that what was considered equitable and inclusive yesterday may be different today.
  • Promote the value and importance of diversity, equity, and inclusion throughout—and within—all levels of TPAN.
  • Promote mutual respect and openness—as individuals and as an organization—among each other, with TPAN clients, stakeholders and all whom we encounter.
  • Help foster an environment in which all individuals are treated equitably and with respect.
  • Develop strategies, policies, and practices that promote and guide equity throughout TPAN.
  • Create a framework for professional growth of TPAN staff—for both employee and supervisor—paving a pathway for opportunity and advancement.
  • Our work must recognize, uplift, and celebrate diversity in all its forms of identity. We must solicit inclusion, and foster and create equity. We must be guided by a respect for our shared humanity and the uniqueness of each individual.

These values are universal and mutual. This is an invitation to everyone, to contribute to the common good, to the dignity of each person, and to the mission of TPAN.

For additional information about TPAN's diversity, equity, and inclusion work, contact Beverly Brock at b.brock@tpan.com or Adrienne Pierce at a.pierce@tpan.com.

Pictured above: Left to Right: Fonzy Trevino, Leigh Ferguson, Mike Jeske, Beverly Brock, Adrienne Pierce, Jeffrey Pulliman, Yamari Lewis, Rick Guasco.