Celebrating Black history, culture, and pride is more than a month to us at TPAN, it is our everyday.

Chicago, ILFebruary 1st, 2021

Throughout our over 30-year history, TPAN has fought to support and uplift the Black community, who is all too often marginalized and oppressed. Our most fundamental value has always been to empower the individuals who are most vulnerable in society. This February, we reaffirm our commitments to celebrate and shine a light on Black history and culture, and to fight racism, anti-blackness and white supremacy, in all its forms. 

TPAN works to address the challenges of our Black communities: inequities in access to care, discrimination against and stigma toward Black, trans and non-binary gender non-conforming individuals, sex workers, imprisoned and detained people, immigrant and migrant workers, substance users, and people living with HIV or other disabilities, must not be tolerated. We strive for racial and social justice as the lens through which we view all our work. That’s why TPAN provides programs such as the Tea Room, our youth drop-in center that provides meals, wellness and mental health checks, referrals and winter gear to LGBTQ youth. Our HOPE program, a safe space for Men of Color who have sex with other men, an opportunity to come together in a safe and nurturing environment. Our goal is to provide each person the dignity and compassion they deserve, for a community that is too often overlooked. 

This February, please join us in celebrating Black History and honoring all those individuals who fought so hard and contributed so much to our rich history and culture. 


Kara Eastman
5537 N Broadway St
Chicago, IL 60640
Ph: (773) 989-9400